Q-tips & fries - what a ministry
Today, after class, I went to Saint Catherine Street to visit some of my new friends. I had q-tips with me, a present for one of my street friends, Damion. It`s amazing how excited people can get about something little when they don`t have much of anything. I had asked Damion recently what I could do for him, because I don`t give money often, and he asked for q-tips. Praise God when you get to clean your ears with q-tips in the morning. This has led me to worship God and thank Him for the things that I have neglected to be so thankful for... Anyways, that`s Damion... He professes to be a believer, but with most of his doings and sayings, it`s a debateable topic, but we keep loving on Damion.
So, after visiting Damion, I went to eat at La Belle Province, where they have greasy burgers (so good), and I met a dude named Chris. Now Chris is playing a guitar with only 3 strings and he`s playing it with a spoon - and he`s good! I was amazed at how good it sounded - and he really only had a spoon and three strings. So, I stopped to talk with him momentarily on my way to the restaurant, but got a good chunk of time with him when I came back (he actually asked if I`d watch his stuff for him while he went to the bathroom - what simple trust - to trust all your belongings to some stranger). Anyways, my friend and I brought him back the fries from lunch that we didn`t eat, and we started talking about his life and what is going on. He started telling me about his `past`lives and how he was going to live a bunch of different lives because of his `lifeline` on his hand... anyways, I listened and asked if he`d be around there often, and he said of course he would, so I get the opportunity of asking Chris some serious questions about this life and what we do with it - please pray for this opportunity as it might come tomorrow. Pray that I have the words and guidance to have this conversation with this guy and to ask the right questions that will probe his heart.
I think that I have the simplest ministry that there is... I talk to people about the One that I love most - Jesus, I give away simple things that people say they need like q-tips and razors, and I give food away that otherwise I would just have thrown out, and I love people because I love Jesus because Jesus first loved me - and Lord willing, I will get to see some of the fruit that the Lord will bring forth - but I love what I do! And I get to spend lots of time with people I enjoy talking to about everything, including Jesus!
I`m sure that people are praying for me lots, because I`m starting to grasp the french much better and I know that this would not be possible without the complete help of a God who speaks every language and every tongue - Sometimes the language is so discouraging to me, but I know that people trust that God can help me, so therefore it helps push me forward... Keep praying, because this is useless without Divine Intervention!
I read Judges 6-8 last night and I heard the message about Gideon yesterday in french in church.... God wins the battles for us! Read it for encouragement - and ask God to help you see what He wants for you.... Remember, Gideon was the youngest and from the least of Manasseh, but God chose Him...
Enabled Powerfully Because of Him.
Ezekiel 22:30
This is so non-blog worthy, but do you have my Indelible Grace CD "Beams of Heaven"?
Got a game plan for montreal trip I'm sharing with the mission team tonight. I'll send it your way. Also wrote up an expectations sheet for short-termers.
4:14 PM
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
6:54 AM
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