Monday, July 03, 2006

Weekend Update

Saturday Night:
I was feeling really low for some reason that night. I`m not quite sure what was going on. But anyways, I really wanted to sleep for some reason. But we went out. This ministry seems to be about the faithfulness and going when we don`t want to go or even feel like going, because people need Jesus. The Youth with a Mission team had their final night this night as well. They are awesome!
So, we went out, in faith that God is good and He is so able to change people`s lives. And He did! There were two people that accepted His offer of forgiveness and saving grace through faith! Two people`s lives are now turned around! There is a new eternity in store for them because of what Jesus did for them! It was a really late night on Saturday night for me, and I had to be up early the next morning.
I preached at the Montreal Chinese Baptist Church, on 2 Timothy 4:1-8. The message went well, and God is so good, because I only had 5 hours sleep the night before and we had a whole week of outreach because there was a team here. But God is so good. After, we went out to lunch with the whole YWAM team to a Greek restaurant, which was amazing. Then, we went to the Jazz Festival and to the fireworks. It was a great time with amazing music and sweet fireworks. They are such great people on the team. They have a real passion to serve Jesus and want to love Him and do as He commands them to do. They are leaving for Africa on Monday, so again, please be in prayer for them.
Went to eat sushi for the first time and I loved it! It was so amazing. I used chopsticks for the first time too, so it was like one big day of adventures for me! Then I came home and talked to my buddy Craig on the phone and chilled for a while, pondering the question of `What would a man exchange for his soul?" So, I'm thinking about an interview that I can do to find out what people would exchange for their soul. I would like to do a sketchboard message around that theme, so I'm trying to figure out some ways to go about it.
Well, that was about the weekend. I know that I didn't go into detail about much, but I feel like a real surface guy today - so that's it.
Jesus is changing people's lives and mine, so I'm pumped! I love Jesus! May He be your all-surpassing Value - preach the Word - He is the Word!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for serving even when sometimes you don't really feel like it. God is good all the time!! Sounds like some pretty exciting adventures for you this weekend. There are only three weeks left until your dad, sister, and some of your close brothers and sisters in Christ will be there to share a whole week with you. I am praying for an exciting week for everyone and for many life changing experiences to take place in peoples' lives. Thanks for loving Jesus and sharing Him with others. Love you and miss you,

9:07 PM

Blogger Josh O. said...

"Weekend update" is that a nod to SNL? If so you far surpass anything SNL has done lately, in your humor and in your faithfulness to what really matters! Dwight, I thank God for you, man. What God is doing in you and through you is absolutely righteous. God is good because he never waivers on his committments. He will never let you down, Dwight, because he has promised to glorify himself by being faithful to you. You were created to worship him and him alone. I'm praying for you, that in the face of every conflicting loyalty you will be a faithful witness. Whether it's the pressure of persecution or the lure of seduction serve God faithfully!

9:29 AM

Blogger dwight said...

Josh, It wasn't intended to be at first, but I thought that after I had written the post. SNL is hard up lately. I really miss the days of Jimmy Falon & Tina Fay doing the Weekend Update.
But thanks man for praying for me. "When the trial comes and all hope seems lost, I will find my faith in the mighty cross - Only Him, Only Jesus"
see you soon buddy.

3:17 PM


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