Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Readin' to the Oldies

Lately, I've been inspired to search out some of the older books and men that are with the Jesus that they loved so much while they were here on earth. I just want to share a bit of encouragement that I've grasped from a couple of these men thus far. I just finished reading "Abounding Grace" by John Bunyan and have started the books on prayer by E.M. Bounds.
In Bound's book, "The Power of Prayer", he writes "Man is looking for better methods. God is looking for better men. Man is God's method". May God give us a deeper love and obedience to God, for His glory.
Here is an excerpt from Bunyan's 'Abounding Grace'. Take encouragement and enjoy the words of this spiritual giant. I can relate to these things ever so well, and found much relief when I read that great men have struggled with these same things. May we always turn back to Jesus when we step away, even momentarily.
"Oh it is a good thing to be on our knees, with Christ in our arms, before God. I hope I know something of these things. I find to this day seven abominations in my heart:
1. An inclining to unbelief
2. Suddenly to forget the love and mercy that Christ manifests
3. A leaning to the works of the law
4. Wanderings and coldness in prayer
5. To forget what I pray for
6. Aptness to murmur because I have no more, and yet ready to abuse what I have
7. I can do none of those things that God commands me without my corruptions thrusting themselves in. 'I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me'(Romans 7:21).

These things I continually see and feel, and am afflicted and oppressed with, yet the wisdom of God does order them for my good:
1. They make me abhor myself
2. They keep me from trusting my heart
3. They convince me of the insufficiency of all inherent righteousness
4. They show me the necessity of flying to Jesus
5. They press me to pray unto God
6. They show me the need I have to watch and be sober
7. They provoke me to pray unto God, through Christ, to help me and carry me through the world." - John Bunyan

May we turn to Christ in our constant struggle to find Him as our all-surpassing Value.

Continually turning to Him.


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