Sunday, June 04, 2006

What a Crazy Couple Past Days

Last night on the streets was so great! God is doing a lot here in Montréal and He is getting the glory for it. People are getting to hear so much about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but there is something going on. It`s like a darkness or hold that is on people to listen and dialogue but not to make decisions. Praise God for allowing us to get through to people, but there`s something going on that is unexplainable. I`ll share some of the people that I`ve shared Christ with in the past couple days.
Yesterday -
Jason - a skaterboarder dude that smoked a joint in front of me, but really thought what Jesus did was amazing. He wanted to believe something some day, but thought that now wasn`t a good time for him, but someday. He thought what I was doing was cool, but it wasn`t for him now. He believes in God, but said something won`t allow him to make a decision for Christ because there are things that he needs to work out.
Some Russian chick - thought that Jesus was interesting, but claims to not really believe anything. Listened to me and asked questions about what Jesus did and heard the gospel. But she wasn`t sure if she believes in God. So, I offered her a booklet with the gospel in it, and she took it and I offered one to her friend and he said no, and that I should save the trees and not give out so many booklets. I thought to myself that the trees are already dead, but at least your soul has a chance, but I commended him for believing in something, because people want to believe that "as long as you believe in something sincerely, then you're okay". I think more people do crack than I wanted to think before....
Muslim (devout) man named Karim. We talked for over an hour, closer to the 1.5 hour mark. I really like speaking to Muslims, because they are open to talk about spiritual things. I don`t like speaking to Muslims, because they rarely come to see any different way. But with Karim, he really wanted to know how we could be forgiven by someone else making a payment. It is too much to write all about, but anyways, after the conversation was over, it was like a light went off in his head as to what I believed in Jesus being the ultimate payment and that I receive forgiveness because of what Jesus has done, that I am a beneficiary of the payment that Jesus made. He doesn`t believe it, but pray for him that God will move him to faith, because he agreed to read the New Testament, and we know how God loves to work through the power of His Word because it`s Active and Living and sharper than a double-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). So, that was him. And when the conversation was over, I went to shake his hand and his wife's, but I learned that I guess you don't shake the hands of Muslim woman (I should have given her a hug).... But they just laughed about it and it was all good. God is so good.
Jean - a dude that wanted what Jesus did for him, but not ready to make the commitment. Again, he said he believed everything I was talking about, but there was something that kept him from making a decision there. So, please pray for him as he is going to praying over the Word of God and the book that I gave to him with a clear gospel message in it. It`s the power of God`s Word that will change people`s lives, not my words.
Jodie & Nancy - two girls that listened to me talk about what Jesus did for them and how He so radically changed my life and wanted to do the same for them. I talked with them for about an hour and we just shared openly about our lives. They really are searching and they got a lot of questions answered for them and they took booklets and my email so that they can ask me more questions about their spiritual journey. Long, good and open conversation that flowed so smoothly, and they accepted truth, but weren't ready to submit to it yet.
Will & some other Mormon - I approached two poor Mormons today. Tony encouraged me to because I really felt led to go talk to these dudes. They stopped and I asked them sincere questions so that I could share the gospel with them. In the conversation at one point I called them heretics, but God is gracious and allowed them to stay there, then I calmed down. But at the end of the conversation, I challenged them with two things - Is Jesus the God of the earth OR Is Jesus God? They don't claim Jesus to be supreme as God the Heavenly Father. The second thing is Ephesians 2:8 & 9 as well as James. I asked them are they saved by grace through faith OR faith and works. They said both. I said, you can't have both. Either we earn it or we don't.... Anyways, there was so much to this conversation, but they said that they would pray about Ephesians 2:8, 9 and ask God if this is true. Please pray that they do....
Steve - Believer I met, who is struggling and didn't have a Bible until I gave him one of the New Testaments. He was so excited about having a Bible!!!! He wants someone to sit down with him to talk about what to do with his faith, so I asked where he lives and he lives right in my neighborhood. Funny how that all works, eh?
WEll.... There were so many more interesting stories, like people looking at us while we are on the streets and just screaming at us (creepy experience with people filled with something crazy), but God answers prayers and they just walk away.
This is what ministry is here - constant. I preach every night on the streets now, and it is crazy to be a street preacher. It's all the grace of God, and everytime I just place all my trust on God for the words and He is so faithful to give them to me, for His glory. Tony & I are getting to spend lots of time in prayer, and how amazing that is. Thanks to those of you that have been praying for me to have a deep burden to pray! God is answering it.
Well, I have had dreams about french in french and last night I dreamed all about talking to people on the streets, so I am really confident that I am in the right place for this summer. God is using the foolish things to confound the wise! Praise be to Him for that.
I feel right at home here in Montréal, but think of many of you back home so often. I am excited to see what God is doing in your life when I come back, and am excited to hear from you all - so please write me by email or in the blog because my comment section gets lonely without comments. A comments section on a blog without comments is like an ocean without fish or woods without deer or tapioca without pudding - so say hello or bonjour or salut or in whatever language you want to say something - but I miss you all, and love you all, and am most likely praying for you (unless you're a Japonese warrior who happened to come to my blog, then let me know and I'll pray for you).....
I will be speaking next week in a big church of about 400 people about being missionaries in our cities and where we live, so please pray for me and the people, that they catch a vision for evangelism in Montréal and that they'd see themselves as sent out by God and His power to share His love.
Pray for me - for love, wisdom, filled with the Spirit, meditating on His Word, time management, passion for Christ!

All for now.
"I'll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness,
the taste of ashes, the poison I've swallowed.
I remember it all - oh, how well I remember -
the feeling of hitting the bottom.
But there's one other thing I remember,
and remembering, I keep a grip on hope.
God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
His merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're created new every morning.
How great Your faithfulness!!!!
I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He's all I've got left." - Lamentations 3:19-24 (MeSSage ReMIx)


Blogger dwight said...

I am made quite aware that men love darkness as I speak with these individuals. And the battle does belong to the Lord. There are many things going on that we can`t see at all and I`m aware also that Christ is in full control of it all! I put that note about the deer in there just for you `deer tracker`.... So, thanks for the encouragement again and the reminders that there is a battle - but it certainly, most definitely is not against flesh and blood.

1:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Dwight, Brother. It's so excellent to hear what God's doing in Montreal with you. So exciting, I will be praying for you and for everyone you've been talking with there in Montreal. Especially those mormon brothers because my heart goes out to them. things are going well in Portland. Sharing Jesus with all my tattered brethren. I meet a guy nambed Bobby yesterday who used to be a christian but doesn't believe in Jesus because He died. and If God cares about us then why do people die. hopefully I'll see him again. Jesus loves even the homeless man peeing on a wall in public. and Jesus loves you just a much as him. I'll keep in touch more on your blog. peace brother.

11:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

12:49 PM


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