First Times....
First times for most things bring a sense of unexpectancy. We are never quite sure what we are getting ourselves into. Well a couple things have happened in the past couple days that I`ve never experienced before.
First - After church today, I went to `free museum day`in Montréal. Sounds great doesn`t it.... Well here`s the catch.. I think that all of Montréal and a few thousand tourists heard about free museum day and decided that would be the family thing for the day. So, the three museums I had planned to go and see would have had me waiting almost 2 hours just to get inside. So.... Plan B!
Plan B was to go to some other museums that weren`t as popular. So, I went to Technocité, which is part of the science museum. Sounds cheesy (and believe me, parts of it I could only laugh at to keep myself there and sane), but some of the stuff was so cool! I love playing with little kid models that help me learn how the telephone, lights, engines (I never knew anything about engines before today) and refridgerators work! So, that was a good first time that I will make sure that I am never a part of again. I will spend the money to go and see these museums if I want to see them.
Second - I got to preach my first message on the street last night. How much different it is to be preaching to a group that is in church as compared to the unchurched and the people that aren`t quite sure that they like what they are listening to. But, God used me and gave me the words to say. I know that it can only get better, but I really felt confident while I was speaking that this is what God wants me to do while I am here, is to be a part of the preaching team with Tony and allow him to do other parts of the ministry than just preaching. Please pray for me as I continue to preach on the streets this summer and as I will have opportunities to preach in churches within the Montréal area. What a blessing that is! I love to preach - and I really believe that God has given me a passion to share in this manner! I need lots of prayer.
Third - I have a day off tomorrow!!!! Going to buy a fan because it`s gonna be soooo hot! Praise the Lord for days off.
I ask that you pray diligently for the souls of the people that are here in Montréal. It was a weird night last night as we shared on the streets. It was a night where we felt like there were so many things working against us and we all know that this ministry needs to be bathed in prayer. So, if you are reading this and will be praying for this ministry, could you please leave me a comment or email sharing that you will take part in this. Prayer is so essential in this ministry and I know that God loves to answer prayers (not always the way that we want) and that He is faithful for His glory!
Pray that the Lord gives me the words to share with non-believers, that the Lord helps me encourage the believers and that I constantly realize the need to shepherd my soul!
I praise God for what He is doing in my life and for what He is doing here. Please, email me, leave me comments on your life and what is new.
Why I created the blog was so that there could be a means of communication. Please drop me a line just to say hello or tell me what I can pray for you for or that you`ll be praying for me.
Let`s be a community!!!!! Jesus loves you so much, that He sent His only Son - and if we believe in Him and what He has done for us, we will have eternal life!!!! What a great & bold promise!
Holding on to the promises of God,
I John 2:25
It was great to talk with you last night; sounded like things were hopping with conversation and excitement. Each time I speak with you I am encouraged with things that are happening in your life as well as mine. You always display such love in your voice whenever I hear you speak. God is using you GREATLY already. Just imagine how much more He has in store for you this summer even though you have only preached one official time on the streets. We miss you and know you miss us, but thanks for following God's direction and sowing all of the seeds you are sowing this summer. What an exciting day it will be for you one day as you enter eternity and see all of the rewards God has waiting for you. He indeed will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Love ya lots,
8:34 AM
I am so encouraged by your passion and excitement for Christ. I often find myself convicted of the fact that I am not nearly as passionate or excited about the one thing that matters most, my relationship with God, and sharing that with others. I will definitely be praying for you and for the people on the street while you and Tony are out there. But I'll also be praying that somehow God will open my eyes and give me a similar desire to bring others to Him. It's so wonderful to hear how God is using you! I'll be praying for you and Montreal.
10:44 PM
You guys are all too amazing... I appreciate the encouragement. I am what I would consider an encouragement-junkie... I need it lots, I love it lots and I need God to do it for me and for His people to tell me to keep doing what I know He wants. So thanks for confirming for me over and over again that He is doing the work and that He wants to keep using me. Praise be to Him for making me the way I am - because it could only be Him!
11:54 AM
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
6:05 AM
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
12:49 PM
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