Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Radical Revolutionary Empire of God

"The radical revolutionary empire of God is here, advancing by RECONCILIATION and PEACE, expanding by FAITH, HOPE and LOVE - beginning with the POOREST, the WEAKEST, the MEEKEST, and the LEAST. It's time to change your THINKING. EVERYTHING is about to CHANGE. It's time for a new way (WAY) of LIFE. BELIEVE ME. FOLLOW ME. BELIEVE this GOOD NEWS so you can learn to LIVE by it and be part of the REVOLUTION." - Brian McLaren, Wes White; p. 33 "The Secret Message of Jesus".
What do we wait for? Jesus told the Pharisees that it was easier for the prostitutes and tax collectors to enter the Kingdom of God than for them. These were the people that Jesus ministered to! Jesus had this funky way of doing what seems unconventional today (and then by the way) - going to the people with no power and no prestige and who can't pay you back except with their last coins, which was all they had! Jesus went to the crazy people - Jesus just loved on people! He would go to people who didn't believe Him - and He would proclaim the message that could have gotten Him killed again and again, which eventually did! But He rose again - conquering death!
Why talk about WAR, when we must be about our Father's business, which is reconciling people to Him! We are just introducing people to Jesus and letting Him do the rest. If I meet someone and they don't want to acknowledge me or even say hello to me and don't want to admit that I am really there - then that is fine.... they are free to believe what they want, but the fact that I'm there and there are natural consequences of me being there that will happen even if that person doesn't want to believe it.
Jesus is real! Grace is scandalous & free, and God gives it to whom He wants! It's all so crazy in the world's eyes - but so beautiful. God is building His Empire - and I am part of it! Jesus loves me and He loves you! Please, beg God to help you know His love - right now - whomever you are - Jesus' command - Love God with all our strength, heart, soul & mind AND Love others as ourselves - don't be theologically liberal and neglect the second part - and pray for me that I don't either!
"I love you, you love me - ain't that the way it's supposed to be" - Ani DiFranco



Blogger Josh O. said...

Comment allez vous, aujourd'hui? Amusez-vous bien! Je n'ai pas des nouvelles de tu on my blog. Je n'ai pas la moindre idee what to say next!

Ouch. That paragraph took about 10 minutes to write! I think I will redeem the time because the days are evil and my french stinks!

Just caught up with you voluminous posting. Awesome quote. What thought for the day. Thanks, bro. [thanks too for the bibliographic info!]This idea has been coming up all over the place at WBC lately: what would our lives and the world around us look like if we really followed Jesus, the real Jesus of SCripture not the flannel graph one or the invented one that we get over-comfortable with.

Thanks for being a human megaphone for the good news that Jesus is King, Forgiver, and Coming Judge. Thanks for following him. I talk to God about you often and thank Him that we get to serve together.

Bonne journee!

1:47 PM

Blogger dwight said...

Merci mon frere pour l'encouragement. Aujourd'hui, j'ai etuidie jusqu'a 1h30, et apres j'ai aide mon amie avec quelque chose, ensuite je suis alle a l'eglise "Peoples Church". J'ai mange avec un person que ai habite dans la rue. Merci pour ecriver en francais. Pardon pour le accents (or lack there of, because I'm lazy).... Thanks Josh for loving Jesus too! He loves you man... Let's follow the real Jesus, wherever He leads! Salut mon ami et Jesus t'aime! ~ Dwight

7:08 PM


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