Metro Stations, Draculas, Gay Village & Changed Lives
Yesterday, a group from CrossWorld Missions were here to work with Tony. We went down to the Metro station to share Jesus because it was pouring rain outside. So, we went down in groups and I was with a girl named Yayra, from Ontario, but originally from Senegal, Africa. She has such a heart for evangelism. We shared with a few people and had some great conversations and God seemed to really be changing some hearts. We were walking and praying about who to approach next and we both without a doubt agreed on a lady that was just standing by a store.
So, as we approached, she was kind of suspicious as anyone would be if two people just approached you to talk about something. But as Yayra shared the gospel with this lady, she just opened up and broke down - and she accepted Jesus! After she prayed to accept Him into her life, she was so excited!!!! She was hugging us and thanking us and we got to go through the next steps that she should do as a Jesus-follower! She was so excited! Praise God that He changes hearts right in front of us!... I want to share part of my journal entry from this morning......
"People are so closed to the message of ANYTHING! People are very skeptical of anyone that is trying to interact with them. It's amazing the people God has you meet. In the Metro Station, in just under 2 hours, Yayra & I met an atheist, catholics, muslims, "christian buddhists", Christian praying for us because she saw us sharing the Bible with people, and a lady who gave her life to Christ!....
After when I returned home last night, I was reading from Acts. Acts 18 specifically encouraged me - because sometimes I feel like I am just giving a message that no one wants to hear. It talks about Paul preaching, teaching & doing everything he could to persuade the Jews at Corinth, but with no such luck as the Message Remix puts it. Sometimes this is how I feel - totally exasperated from arguing something that people don't want to hear. BUT - the chapte continues to say that great many Corinthians believed and were baptized - and the next part is what really encouraged me in what I'm doing here....
"One night the Master spoke to Paul in a dream: 'Keep it up, and don't let ANYONE intimidate or silence you. No matter what happens, I'm with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you. You have no idea how many people I have on my side in this city'. That was all he needed to stick it out. He stayed another year and a half, faithfully teaching the Word of God to the Corinthians." - Acts 18:8-11.""" - Entry from my journal...
So, yesterday was amazing. I went into the gay village and into the red light district with a group to help them see the "other side" of Montreal. I got to stop and talk to some gothic draculas for a minute and be around some more of my street friends. But it was good for the team to see that side of the city and the darkness that lures people into itself.
May we be lights and realize that the Master is on our side! He will keep us! One more Scripture to end.... Paul says this to the disciples and apostles that were trying to get him not to go back to Jerusalem because he would be imprisoned and die.... Here's what he says. May we all have this attitude and love for Christ!
Acts 21:12b-13 (MSG) - "Why all this hysteria? why do you insist on making a scene and making it even harder for me? You're looking at this backwards. The issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can't you see that?" - May we see this!
Jesus loves You!
Romans 8:1 & 1st John 2:25
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