Rain rain, go away.....
Last night, just as we were heading out on the streets, it started to rain. So, we parked the sketchboard under cover and were ready to go from there. But it was cold, wet and raining, and most likely, very few people would have stopped at all, because it was miserable out. One of the guys on the team made a horrible prediction when he said, "Well, I guess we're not going to be able to do it tonight." So, we prayed.
Five minutes later, the rain stopped completely and we went on with a great night! Praise the Lord. I really believe that faithfulness has a huge role to play in this ministry. You just go - despite what you are feeling, and despite the weather - you just plain GO, just as Jesus told us to do. Because He said that all authority has been given to Him in Heaven and on earth. He is Lord over the weather. And what came from it all?
Well, we will never know exactly what fruit was derived because of us going last night, not in this lifetime at least; but an 18 year old guy accepted Jesus last night and has given his life to Christ! Praise Him when these things happen! There were many good conversations last night.
I really believe that when Jesus told us to GO, we must just GO - regardless of what circumstances tell.... He will provide!!!
So, what are you still reading this for?
GO!!!! Share with your friends, your family, your neighbors, your city, your country, your world! GO!!! See what God has in store for you and for His glory! GO!!!
Going - In Him and by Him!
"wow." that's what first came to my mind when i read your post. what our youth group says a lot is just "open your mouth!" (God will take it from there) way to be "great" for our Lord. way to "go."
Eph. 6:10
8:46 PM
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