Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Past few days....

I wanted to quickly jot down some things that have happened during the past few days. I`m completely tired and I need to sleep, but I have neglected to blog for the past few days... so here goes.
Saturday Night:
We went to Trois-Rivieres and worked with a church there doing evangelism out on the street. God really blessed despite the constant trickle of rain that was coming down. A man by the name of Allen came to know that Lord that night, and the church was so responsive to him and his needs. I praise God for them and for their anxiousness about getting out to do evangelism. They passed out tracts even with such zeal!
I worked on my sermon and am almost finished, then the team from my church came. It was exciting to see my family and my church here for the first time really! They showed up a little later than expected thanks to St. Huberts two-hour dinner special and a dead battery. But it`s all good.
I took the team sight-seeing. I am the worst tour guide ever, but my friends Elizabeth and Melodie met up with us and spent most of the day until Melo had to depart. But Liz kept with us and we went to visit quite a few places. The group was tired after their day of sight-seeing, but a few of us went to the movies that night to see the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean. I`m just telling you useless information now, but whatever, I`m tired and I`m gonna keep writing.
Tuesday (today):
Did training with the team. It was good to see the team at the place where they are. Spent a good time in prayer and please be praying for the team as we`re looking for God to really work in their lives. After the training, the team took a nap, and then I brought them to meet the Mansvelds and they did some prayer/observation walks tonight, and got to see a whole new part of the city. They were really moved by what they saw and got to see the city in new light. I was really moved by the team's compassion for the people of the city. The Mansvelds live in the gay village of Montreal, so they are right in the heart of where so much ministry is needed.

Okay, so I know that was fast... But all I could do was give a brief update, because it's been so busy here. WEll, I am going to bed. bubbye.

Tired from the ministry, not tired of the ministry.


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