Since I've been here in Montreal, I've asked myself some key questions:
What is church?
What is the church supposed to be doing?
Is the church doing it?
What is the church supposed to be placing value upon?
What IS the church PLACING value on?
Is it biblical?
How can we change?
Why would we change?
What does Jesus say about His Church?
How does the Church evaluate and define "SUCCESS"?
How does the Bible evaluate and define "SUCCESS"?
I need the Lord's help to answer these questions. Without having a clear plan and a vision as to what the church should be doing, it will fail. Without relying on the Author and Perfector of FAITH, then the whole body will not carry out the ministry that has been set.
I've seen some real tensions between the church and it's members and different ministries within the body, and it is disgusting to me. I'm not perfect at all!!!!! But, I want to see Jesus' bride do well at what He has called us to.
People talk often about being an "ACTS" church. Well, may I remind you that believers in the book of Acts were killed for their faith, and they were in unity! Here, we are blessed not to have persecution among most of the churches, but I see in myself and clearly in others that we can become fat and lazy in our approaches. We want the world to tolerate us, and we want to fit in. But the thing is - WE DON'T!!!! We are called OUT of the World to go back into the World to save others out of the World.
For those that want to shelter themselves and talk about how evil the world is and hide from it because you are Christians - then do it - but you are not obeying Jesus!
Take up your cross!
Deny yourself!
These are not weak exhortations that Jesus is making to us! He gives us messages that involve us dying to ourselves.
I like the Switchfoot song that says, "We were meant to live for so much more", because we are.
Jesus hung out with people that make Christians nervous. Jesus touched people that could give him diseases. Jesus let a hooker come and rub her hair all over his feet. And he didn't condemn her for her sin. Jesus came to save those that are sick - and Jesus says that those that are healthy don't need a physician.
Here are some important principles I'm learning for the Church:
- We are saved, and we love our Savior.
- We are in Unity (It's Biblical) . I know this one is hard.
- We are focused on Jesus' commands
1. Be His witnesses in all the world
2. Baptize people
3. Disciple them in the Word
4. Teach them in the Word
5. Take care of one another
6. Love
7. Go
8. Preach the Word
There are so many more!!!!!!
Follow Jesus.
Don't play church.
Love Jesus. Love people. Tell people about Jesus. Now.
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