Strategize with God and Do
I was just reading an article by my good friends at Cadre Ministries about how to strategically set up what we should want as our goals this year in ministry - or better yet, God's goals for the ministry that He has so graciously allowed for us to be stewards of.
If you are in charge of a ministry this fall, please take some time away from everything and meet with God, to acknowledge that He is the One that the ministry is supposed to point toward, and ask (in my case beg) God to lead you to see the big picture of it all. As the article I read talked about doing this, it used the analogy of putting together a 1000 piece puzzle. As one pieces a puzzle together, usually the person consults the front of the box to see what the end picture looks like. This is how we should go about doing ministry. We should set up things that will show us that we are moving towards what we expected it to look like.
Maybe God's expectations are far beyond ours, and when our expectations are met, possibly God is going to take it to His level - which I'm sure that none of us would ever complain of.
But isn't this such a picture of what the future Kingdom is going to look like. We have a picture of what is ahead and we are working toward Christlikeness, which in the life we will never perfectly attain, but we press on - knowing that there is laid up for us a glorified body, a perfect body that is unable to sin, in a place where Christ fully reigns and there will be no more curse of sin, no more tears, no more death - and our faith is in front of us when Jesus welcomes us - forever!
God has a perfect plan of what He is doing, so may we consult with Him this fall as we head into our ministries - that all should point back to Him, who deserves all glory!
Strategize with God - and DO!!!!
Looking ahead.
Megan.... What is on your head? I've wondered that for a while, but now I'm really interested as to what is decorating your forehead.
9:36 PM
dwight. hey sir!
it's "late"...not really THAT late, but i'm tired...but, wanted to just say hey. hope all is well in main!
stay cool!
10:17 PM
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