Surrounded by Favor
Psalm 5:11, 12 - "But let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy; and may You shelter them, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield."
I am here in Maine once again, and honestly, it feels so weird. It feels like I left so much back in Montreal and now all I have is questions and the future is so foggy. I kind of broke down as I was driving from my parent's house to mine because it finally hit me that I left so much in Montreal. I said to the Lord that He must have something very important for me to learn about here or something important to teach me or for me to do - because I want to be there. But, the Lord's will be done - and I am here now, back in my room.
But last night before I went to bed (I sat up for a while because I didn't know what to do with myself), I read Psalm 5, and verse 12 jumped out at me when David writes of God that "it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield". I realized last night just how blessed I am. I am so fortunate to be surrounded with so many godly people and people that I love so dearly. It is as if there is a shield around me. The Lord has been so graceful to me in giving me so much that I don't deserve whatsoever. But may He reign in my life!
For those of you that I have left for a short while, please know that the Lord has blessed me by allowing me to get to intertwine myself into your lives. May there be many more days ahead. For those that I have returned to for a short while, may we make hay while the sun shines because there is so much work that needs to be done here in Portland.
This past week in Montreal, there were 9 people that accepted Christ as their personal Savior! Thursday night, Tony and I got to lead a 20-year old British dude named Sam to the Lord after 2 hours of discussion. Friday afternoon, I had the privilege of leading a lady named Rita to the Lord in the midst of her confusion of religion/Jesus. And Saturday night, the last night that I was there, praise the Lord that He gave me the privilege of leading a 15-year old Quebec girl to the Lord. Her story is amazing and was a real divine appointment from the Lord. The Lord works when we run after people and fight for their soul.
Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Montreal!
Well, please pray for me as I am back here with so much to meander over in my thoughts, but not much to actually do quite yet. But I pray that the grace of God will flourish in your lives and that you might see Jesus clearer because of significant time spent with Him in His Word and in prayer.
"Seek Him first and all these things shall be added unto you."
From Maine.
Welcome back!
Wanna get a latte at the Maine Bean this week?
1:11 PM
9 people! 9 brothers and sisters rescued by the grace of God through the faithful witness of his servants!! Praise God!!
Your obedient faithfulness this summer has truly been a catalyst in my heart for a passion for the lost to see and savor Jesus in my own ministry and life.
1:15 PM
hello dwight from main. "welcome home" . . . prayin' for you!
"The Lord works when we run after people and fight for their soul."
i like that!
8:23 AM
Josh - Yes, I do want some sort of savory treat from the Maine Bean. Joe/Jess (whichever name you want to call yourself for now), you're an encouragement. Keep pressing on and loving Jesus. Don't let the fire die out - keep begging God to keep it alive!
3:54 PM
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