Monday, November 06, 2006

Crucified Madonna now a Jewish Jesus believer? (I can't quite figure it out either)

So, if anyone knows anything about Madonna's recent tour, you would know that she would end her shows with a mock crucifixion, where she was put in the place where Jesus was - kind of like the passion of Madonna. That caused a big stir, especially when she did it near Rome - which is a big no-no in sacramental, traditional, work-my-way-to-heaven candyland (and of course anywhere else either).
And recently, Madonna has nailed down some extra publicity in the adoption of her new child, which I'm not going to go into detail to describe.
But most recently, Madonna has called herself a follower of Jewish mysticism - but that she believes in Jesus too. Madonna has taken the name of Ester as part of her religion and she celebrates Jewish holidays. But she wants Jesus too!
She mentions her new son David, and says that when he is growing up, he can be a Christian and study Kabbalah (the form of Jewish mysticism) too. She sees no issue with that at all. Madonna is trying to make her own belief system out of one that does not recognize Jesus and one that does. So, she wants Jesus involved in her beliefs - but doesn't want to be involved in Jesus' beliefs.
It's amazing what Rick Ross, one of Kabbalah's followers said of Madonna and anyone else that wants to follow more than one "religion", "It's historically and practically impossible for a person to be two religions simultaneously." Weird, isn't that what Jesus said a long time ago.
"No man can serve two masters." - Jesus.
So, Madonna is once again trying to make her own rules on things. But she wants Jesus. May the grace of God be in her life, so that she rejects everything else, denies herself, and take up the cross - and follow Jesus.
Madonna's ideas are so in tune with what the world wants now - Jesus and something else. But it can't happen that way. The only way is Jesus. And He said it.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." - Jesus.
It's only in Jesus that we can find hope, joy and eternal life. In Christ alone!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to be unaccountable is to follow everything. Therefore if one religion says nay nay on one thing, it is always possible to find another religion who would say yeah yeah on that very precise thing and thus we go our way.

At the end though, and the Lord Jesus was very precise on this, it is not everyone who says Lord Lord did we do this and that in Your Name. The answer is quite drastic. "I don't know you! Away from Me!"

It is not in doing things in the name of a religion or a cult or even using the Name of the Lord for our own "security" (just in case it is true). Following Jesus demands exclusivity. Anything less offers no glory to God but it is despicable to Him. Although the Jewish nation had the rites and the Temple (in the O.T.) they were also following other ideas, philosophies and religions. This led them to their destruction by God's judgement.

In the Western World, it is hard to be exclusive for the Lord. My temptation is to shut my mouth or maybe agree with some ideas. But no! If I do this I am a coward. Jesus was no coward and so are we call to be no coward for His Name.

Thanks Dwight for your insights! It is good to read you and reflect on these issues.

Your bro in the Lord.

11:17 PM


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