Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For My Pastor Friends & Those in Ministry .... Gotta check this out

So, as I started my day today with a nice run outside, I got turned around somehow and ended up far, far away from where I intended on being. Anyways, one huge blister and an hour later, I found myself back at my huge, high-rise apartment (but not big enough, because I couldn't see it from where I was running). All that to say that I found myself exercising today, which makes my body very happy with me. Then I found this article online. Please read it for those in the ministry, because if God has called you to the ministry, that is where you should be - and you should be proactive about planning on staying there.... That's what the article is about, Death in the Ministry (but it's about how not to kill ourselves).

~ Dwight

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Biblical Formula for building Jesus' Church (I hate formulas - but I love the ones that Jesus gives)

Gospel + Culture - Church = Parachurch

Culture + Church - Gospel = Liberalism

Church + Gospel - Culture = Fundamentalism


Hence, the name of my blog, Transparent Reformission. I openly declare that I desire this equation for a humanly unattainable task, that being God building His Church. I hate formulas, but I believe that this is the Biblical formuala we are called to, which is really not a formula, but a calling, a lifestyle, a Kingdom call!


Refusing to Join Good Causes because eventually we will explode (and parts of us will be found on Pluto)

Reading some more dangerous material.... Mark Driscoll's new book, "Confessions of a Reformission Rev.: Hard Lessons from an Emerging Missional Church" is starting my mind and keeping it going (as if it needs to move any faster - not that it is severely intelligent, just busy thinking about puzzles and birds and how I can use pigeons to take over the world). Anyways, I came across something that I needed to read and be told boldly, and I know I've heard it before, but I needed to read it and have it come out of the page and smoke me in the face like a Tyson punch. If I keep doing and doing and doing - I will burn out, explode and pieces of me will blow away everywhere, making it hard to have a good funeral because there will be pieces missing... What a tragedy.
Anyways, this passage is addressed to pastors in this book, but it applys to all people in ministry or involved in the church. Read it and let it sink in deeply. Allow yourself to be punched by the truth that I needed to hear and will need to apply into my life immediately - because I just love people and love to do.... here it is:
"Speaking to other pastors, I learned that many pastors, particularly pastors of small churches, are busy but bored like I was. They spend their time taking care of their people and running services but don't have much of a mission to keep their pilot light lit. So they tend to volunteer time in other ministries, such as overseas missions trips, parachurch organizations, and the like, to do something more than just answer the phone and meet with the same handful of people that already know Christ and drive the pastors nuts. I was convicted that rather than spending my time supporting auxiliary ministries outside of our church, I should labor to build a church that would satisfy my ministry desires by being on mission with Jesus to transfrom my city by the power of the gospel. To do this, I would need to stay doggedly focused on our mission. Over the years, this has become increasingly difficult because the other pastors in our area, whom I do sincerely love, are prone to jump on various bandwagons, from political causes to social agendas, and want me to do the same. I REFUSE TO JOIN THEM NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WRONG BUT BECAUSE THEIR PROJECTS ARE OFF MY GOD-GIVEN MISSION AND, THEREFORE, ARE A WASTE OF MY TIME AND ENERGY, NOT UNLIKE A HOCKEY PLAYER SPENDING HOURS PERFECTING HIS CURVEBALL" - p. 53, Mark Driscoll.
May we not be offended by this unless we should be. May we help our pastors to do their God-given mission for the church - because they are the architect of the ship, not the dishwasher or crewmen - but those jobs are needed and are important!
Help your pastors by making sure that they are not focusing on things that they shouldn't! Allow them time to do what they are called to do! Make them refuse to do certain things.
And for us who are not yet pastors but are in ministry (which means that you are a believer and follower of Christ because you've been given a spiritual gift(s)), make sure that what you are doing is meaningful and what God has called you to do! Don't just be busy, but be effectively used by Him!

Honestly, I don't think that I will ever be much of a pastor in the way that people think of pastors, but I agree with Driscoll when he says that he has "accepted that he is not much of a pastor but rather a missiologist studying the city who leads a church filled with missionaries who reach the city and with pastors who care for the converts"-p.51.
That is my vision - a church filled with missionaries that love Jesus that go out into their community and share the love of Christ and to have elders around me that shepherd the converts while I am following what God calls me to do..... (Somedays of my life....)

Loving Jesus, culture & His Church,

Monday, May 29, 2006

First Times....

First times for most things bring a sense of unexpectancy. We are never quite sure what we are getting ourselves into. Well a couple things have happened in the past couple days that I`ve never experienced before.
First - After church today, I went to `free museum day`in Montréal. Sounds great doesn`t it.... Well here`s the catch.. I think that all of Montréal and a few thousand tourists heard about free museum day and decided that would be the family thing for the day. So, the three museums I had planned to go and see would have had me waiting almost 2 hours just to get inside. So.... Plan B!
Plan B was to go to some other museums that weren`t as popular. So, I went to Technocité, which is part of the science museum. Sounds cheesy (and believe me, parts of it I could only laugh at to keep myself there and sane), but some of the stuff was so cool! I love playing with little kid models that help me learn how the telephone, lights, engines (I never knew anything about engines before today) and refridgerators work! So, that was a good first time that I will make sure that I am never a part of again. I will spend the money to go and see these museums if I want to see them.
Second - I got to preach my first message on the street last night. How much different it is to be preaching to a group that is in church as compared to the unchurched and the people that aren`t quite sure that they like what they are listening to. But, God used me and gave me the words to say. I know that it can only get better, but I really felt confident while I was speaking that this is what God wants me to do while I am here, is to be a part of the preaching team with Tony and allow him to do other parts of the ministry than just preaching. Please pray for me as I continue to preach on the streets this summer and as I will have opportunities to preach in churches within the Montréal area. What a blessing that is! I love to preach - and I really believe that God has given me a passion to share in this manner! I need lots of prayer.
Third - I have a day off tomorrow!!!! Going to buy a fan because it`s gonna be soooo hot! Praise the Lord for days off.

I ask that you pray diligently for the souls of the people that are here in Montréal. It was a weird night last night as we shared on the streets. It was a night where we felt like there were so many things working against us and we all know that this ministry needs to be bathed in prayer. So, if you are reading this and will be praying for this ministry, could you please leave me a comment or email sharing that you will take part in this. Prayer is so essential in this ministry and I know that God loves to answer prayers (not always the way that we want) and that He is faithful for His glory!
Pray that the Lord gives me the words to share with non-believers, that the Lord helps me encourage the believers and that I constantly realize the need to shepherd my soul!
I praise God for what He is doing in my life and for what He is doing here. Please, email me, leave me comments on your life and what is new.
Why I created the blog was so that there could be a means of communication. Please drop me a line just to say hello or tell me what I can pray for you for or that you`ll be praying for me.
Let`s be a community!!!!! Jesus loves you so much, that He sent His only Son - and if we believe in Him and what He has done for us, we will have eternal life!!!! What a great & bold promise!

Holding on to the promises of God,
I John 2:25

Friday, May 26, 2006

Creation to Jesus (en francais)

Today was my last day of french classes at Centre Linguista. I got an A in my grammar and a B+ in my conversation. I thought that those would be my grades, no big deal. But the craziest part of the whole course was this morning.
I had to give an oral presentation of any subject of my choosing and it had to be for 10-15 minutes. So, I chose why we need Jesus. I started by teaching creation like I teach to little kids, through drawing it. Then I talked about how there was a problem after creation, when Adam ate from the tree that God said not to (I know Eve did too, but I wanted to present it as all of humanity through Adam). So, I got to talk about Jesus and what He did on the cross and how He died for our sins! You want to talk about God giving words in a language that is not my own. I studied things for a little bit, but the words were coming with ease this morning. God really took over. The presentation was 15 minutes, but it lasted for an hour!!!! They asked so many questions and I got to give them all New Testaments in french and a booklet `Nouvelle Vie en Jésus Christ` - New Life in Jesus Christ. They were all so interested and when you think about the opportunity, they actually asked me to share since they said that I could do it on whatever I wanted. After class, the teacher gave me his email address and wanted to keep in touch - so I believe that is a good confirmation that seeds were deeply planted today. And my class is full of people from different countries - Columbia, Venezuala, Brasil, Japan, Mexico & of course Quebec! The gospel is being preached around the world in one room! That is the unique opportunity of Montréal.... There is a chance to share the gospel with the world!
Tonight, I went out on the streets with Tony and a group from the area. It was raining but God blessed the group with conversations. It has been a long month for me so far because of the intensity of the language, but I am so thankful.
Tonight, I met two believers from Mexico on the streets and Lord willing, they will be calling me to hang out and that will be exciting to encourage believers from a different place. The whole experience is crazy here! I love it.
Tomorrow - I am doing my message on the street for the first time, so please pray for me! It`s not so easy to keep your train of thought when there is so much going on in the street. Please pray that God brings the words that He wants me to say. This life is so not about me, and I`m learning that ever so well being here. This life is about bringing God glory, seeking Him in all that we do, loving Him and acknowledging Him in all our ways - and loving our neighbor as ourselves.... It`s not about me!
I was asked to preach at a Chinese church on July 2nd as well, so be in prayer for that as well, because it`s another opportunity to share the good news of Jesus.
My friends, brothers & sisters in Christ - Don`t ever get tired of the gospel! Beg God to help you love and cherish it more and more every time that you hear it and are reminded about it. Remember how much it revolutionized your life when you first learned and understood what Jesus did - and go with that message to the world - what Jesus has done and what He wants to do - and will do!
Don`t grow weary - for in due time we will reap what we sow.... What are you sowing?

Jésus t'aime...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

How do we present Jesus?

"Benefit evangelism" fills our churches with people who are taught to expect everything to go their way just because they became Christians. But Jesus promises persecution for following Him, not worldly perks (John 15:18-16:4, 2 Timothy 3:12). We want to build Christians and churches who persevere through hardship, who are willing to suffer and be persecuted and even die for the Gospel of Christ, because they value God's glory more than the temporal benefits of conversion. We don't want people to become Christians because it will reduce their stress. We want them to become Christians because they know they need to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus Christ, and joyfully take up their cross and follow Him for the glory of God.
There are indeed wonderful benefits to the Christian life; but being God-centered in our evangelism by focusing less on the temporal benefits and more on God's character and plan makes for more Christians ready to suffer, and more churches motivated by God's glory" - The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever & Paul Alexander. p. 56, 57.
Let's be deliberate in how we share Jesus. Let's not push someone to pray a prayer that is a "blissful damnation". This is a reflection question for me and for you.... How do we present Jesus and how do we offer an opportunity for people to know Him? Do we push at all? Do we put more emphasis on the "benefits" than what Jesus says to His disciples about counting the cost of following Him. The benefits are eternal - but eternal life begins here according to Jesus in the gospel of John, and it is at the moment of conversion that we receive real life - abundant life! What do we put the focus on in evangelism? How do we share the Lover of our Soul?....

On a different note.... Pray for me please.... To pray.
My quiet times have been great here and I'm learning a lot from God's Word and by sharing Jesus - but my prayer has lacked here. I've had a couple good times of prayer, but please pray for me to fully realize that prayer is the work! My prayers have been good in terms of praying throughout the day, but it's taking chunks of time to pray - I need to! Please pray for me that I would have a passion to pray and that I am reminded often that I need to pray.
I received an email from one of my junior-high friends today, and in his email at the very end he wrote, "Don't forget to say your prayers." How much more clearly can it be?? So, praise be to God for helping me see that He wants me to talk to Him more about what is going on. I love doing it, but sometimes I think I'm too busy! That is foolish! Help me and in turn reflect on how much are you talking to the God of the Universe, the Lover of our Soul, the Almighty God - because He wants a close close relationship with us!

2 Chronicles 34:21 - "The the king (Josiah) stood in is place and made it covenant before the Lord to walk after the Lord, and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes with all his heart and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant written in this book." Compare with Deuteronomy 6-12.... Be encouraged... Jesus loves you..
Cheer up, one day (if you know Jesus as your personal Savior and have submitted your life to Him, repenting of your sins and believing that He has died for your sins as a payment for sin and has risen again - trusting Him completely as your Forgiver, Savior and Commander of your life) you're gonna die and go to Heaven...

Cheered Up,

Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm Not Sure the Christian Gospel always draws a crowd

I just finished a book last night (I've picked my way through it for a long time) called "The Irresistable Revolution - Living as an Ordinary Radical" by Shain Claiborne. It's been a huge stretch in my life to read this book and I suggest it to you if you want everything that you believe to possibly be challenged in terms of following Jesus literally and not trying to fit the Bible into neat little theological boxes, because there's usually always a puzzle piece missing for every side (except the doctrines worth dying for!!!!). But I think that I've answered a few questions I've had for a while - at least partially such as Why Men Don't like church, which has been a heavily debated topic. Now, again, I don't know all the reasonings everywhere - but I have a hunch at least in Maine why most men stay away... Shain says in his book "I'm not sure the Christian gospel always draws a crowd" - and I believe that he is right, because I see people walk away from the gospel as soon as there are absolutes brought into the mix - and Jesus was an absolute guy (read the Gospels if you don't believe me).....
Anyways... I wanted to share a lengthy part of Shane's book and encourage you to read it.

"I've learned that a lot of good things start small and actually grow smaller. It seems to be the story of the early church. Certainly, thousands were added to their number in the early church - the poor, outcasts, people fed up with the world. They were the scum of the earth. The Scriptures describe the early Jesus movement like this: 'We go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.... We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world'. (1 Cor. 4:11-13) Our context is quite different. We live among the wealthiest people of the world (top 2 percent), a tough mission field. We are preaching a gospel that declares that it's easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom. But look on the bright side. After we preach the crowds down, we will not need such expensive buildings. And of course, in a Christian culture shopping for the cheapest grace, the temptation is always to tone things down a little bit. People will be more comfortable around a domesticated Jesus than the LION OF JUDAH.
And yet whether it's the Prayer of Jabez (I wish you could read his footnote on this book) or the war in Iraq, many Christians seem to be hoping that the kingdom of God will come in triumphal greatness, expanding God's territory and taking over the world with glory and power - shock-and-awing the masses, if you will. But that's the very temptation Jesus faced in the desert, the temptation to do spectacular things like fling himself from the temple or turn stones into bread, to shock the masses with his miracles or awe them with his power. And yet he resists. The church has always faced the same temptation, from the time of Constantine's sword to now. We are tempted to do great things like rappel from the rafters in the newest church gym or throw the best pizza party so that kids might bow before the altar.
But amid all the church-growth tacticians and megachurch models, I want to suggest something a little different: God's kingdom grows smaller and smaller as it takes over the world" - Shain Claiborne, p. 317-319.

What are we doing to help the kingdom grow? How significant does something have to be to be significant? Small things, small acts of love will push people to see what is different; small questions of faith, small gestures of caring - small things, little significant things for the people that Jesus loves and calls us to love.
"We can do not great things, only small things with great love. It is not how much you do but how much love you put into doing it." - Mother Teresa

"Today... small things with great love (or don't open the door)." - The Simple Way motto

Loving Jesus and you - how can I pray for you????

Saturday, May 20, 2006

What a Fool I am!!!

For the past 8 days here in Montréal, it has been raining! What a crazy weather pattern that has gone through here. Last night was the first night of the street ministry for the summer, and due to the weather, we couldn`t go out on the street. So, we went underground with tracts to distribute. Honestly, this is the thing that struggle with the most, because there usually isn`t a lot of conversation involved in distributing tracts. But after about an hour of giving out literature about Jesus and a New Life, one guy stopped and was asking me questions in french. We got to talk for a minute in french (praise God that He allowed me to understand and respond), then he found out I was from the States, so he asked in good english, "So, you speak english?", and of course I was relieved to get to proceed from that point on in english, my favorite language!!
His name is Martin and he is a neuroscientist - what a divinve appointment - genius with a fool. But as the conversation went along, God gave me a quiet patience with Martin and God really helped me answer this very intelligent man's questions. As we were talking, I got to speak with him about how God uses the weak things of the world (because he was trying to explain to me how things of God should be of logic and that if I substituted the word "Green Dragon" for "Jesus", that I would be committed to a mental institution..... haha), but I read him First Corinthians 1:26-31. I want to write here the Message Remix Version:
"Take a good look, friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don't see many of the 'brightest and the best' among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families. Isn't it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these 'nobodies' to expose the hollow pretensions of the 'somebodies'? That makes it quite clear that none of you can get by with the blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have - right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start - comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That's why we have the saying, 'If you're going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God." - 1st Corinthians 1:26-31
And what a Fool I am!!!! Even according to my friend Martin. This is some of the advice that he gave me.
- first, find a girl - not a real good looking girl, but average, with a good heart and have a family and do good - and leave this religious stuff behind.
- second, take my eyebrow ring out because I could be a great public speaker, but not with my "thing" in my eye
- third, He said he gave me a clean slate to start over and that I didn't need a God to do that - that he was giving it to me for free
And the list could go on!
But I shared Jesus with him and what Jesus has done for him and that He loves him! I got to share the gospel simply for about an hour with him, and he walked away not understanding why I didn't want "MORE" than my imaginary relationship with Jesus!
Please pray for Martin, my genius (literally) agnostic friend who now has a booklet on a New Life in Christ. Please pray that he'll take up my challenge to him to prove that Jesus is not the Messiah by using the Scriptures and that he will take up God's challenge to abandon it all, deny himself and follow Him!
I am a BIG FOOL - A fool who God gives the words to challenge a man much smarter than I!
I love that God gives me the words and the boldness - We must share Jesus - He is too good to keep just to ourselves!!! FOLLOW HIM with no regard for ourselves!!!

Enabled Fool,
Matthew 6:25-34

Friday, May 19, 2006

Going with the Flow that Comes our Way

As I was on the metro yesterday, these lyrics came screaming at me from a song by Jack Johnson... I think it speaks for itself in terms of how we should be proactive in life (such as Joseph in Genesis 37-50) and not reactive..... Short blog, but lots of meaning to it for me....
"When you move like a jellyfish
Rhythm don't mean nothing
You go with the flow
You don't stop
Move like a jellyfish
Rhythm don't mean nothing
You go with the flow
You don't stop"

And as I was walking in the subway terminal this morning, a singer-for-money-dude was singing these lyrics over and over and over,
"All you need is love... All you need i s love... Love is all you need... Love is all you need!" - Beatles

This was a perfect reminder for me!

Go with flow - through life like a jellyfish - for Jesus - by Jesus - with lots of love!

Flowing Like a Jellyfish,

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Radical Revolutionary Empire of God

"The radical revolutionary empire of God is here, advancing by RECONCILIATION and PEACE, expanding by FAITH, HOPE and LOVE - beginning with the POOREST, the WEAKEST, the MEEKEST, and the LEAST. It's time to change your THINKING. EVERYTHING is about to CHANGE. It's time for a new way (WAY) of LIFE. BELIEVE ME. FOLLOW ME. BELIEVE this GOOD NEWS so you can learn to LIVE by it and be part of the REVOLUTION." - Brian McLaren, Wes White; p. 33 "The Secret Message of Jesus".
What do we wait for? Jesus told the Pharisees that it was easier for the prostitutes and tax collectors to enter the Kingdom of God than for them. These were the people that Jesus ministered to! Jesus had this funky way of doing what seems unconventional today (and then by the way) - going to the people with no power and no prestige and who can't pay you back except with their last coins, which was all they had! Jesus went to the crazy people - Jesus just loved on people! He would go to people who didn't believe Him - and He would proclaim the message that could have gotten Him killed again and again, which eventually did! But He rose again - conquering death!
Why talk about WAR, when we must be about our Father's business, which is reconciling people to Him! We are just introducing people to Jesus and letting Him do the rest. If I meet someone and they don't want to acknowledge me or even say hello to me and don't want to admit that I am really there - then that is fine.... they are free to believe what they want, but the fact that I'm there and there are natural consequences of me being there that will happen even if that person doesn't want to believe it.
Jesus is real! Grace is scandalous & free, and God gives it to whom He wants! It's all so crazy in the world's eyes - but so beautiful. God is building His Empire - and I am part of it! Jesus loves me and He loves you! Please, beg God to help you know His love - right now - whomever you are - Jesus' command - Love God with all our strength, heart, soul & mind AND Love others as ourselves - don't be theologically liberal and neglect the second part - and pray for me that I don't either!
"I love you, you love me - ain't that the way it's supposed to be" - Ani DiFranco


Monday, May 15, 2006

Get a Grip On Yourself

When Paul was speaking with Festus and King Agrippa in Acts 26, Festus yelled at Paul during his sharing of God's Story, and he had this to say, "Paul, your crazy! You've read too many books, spent too much time staring off into space! Get a grip on yourself, get back in the real world!"
Jesus-followers really are crazy according to this world's standards. Most of us do spend far too much time staring off into space, wondering what Heaven will be like, and we have a hard time getting back in the "real" world, because this world just won't last!!!!
The end of Acts says this, "Paul lived for two years in his rented house. He welcomed everyone who came to visit. He URGENTLY presented ALL matters of the Kingdom of God. He explained EVERYTHING about Jesus Christ. His door was ALWAYS open."
What would this look like? If Jesus-followers forsook it all for the sake of the call that Jesus has given us. To die to ourselves daily, take up our cross and follow Him. I beg God to help me follow Jesus everyday. It is a struggle to get up and share Jesus daily (when I do it). But when God does it through me, it's so natural, like this is what I am supposed to be doing.
There is an urgency about the gospel. Paul thought that there was an urgency about 2000 years ago - therefore, we should even more so place an urgency on the gospel! Love people, the people that don't DESERVE the love - because forgiveness was given ever so freely!
TODAY - French class, went to Mt. Royal (the top of the city) and painted (practicing a sketch board)..... Let it all go! Seriously - Let it all go - follow Him - this earth is fading away - allow Jesus to revolutionize your heart and your life!
"Nobody stood and applauded them
So they knew from the start
This road would not lead to fame
All they really knew for sure was Jesus had called to them
He said "Come follow me" and they came
With reckless abandon they came

Empty nets lying there at the waters edge
Told a story that few could believe and none could explain
How some crazy fishermen agreed to go where Jesus lead
With no thought for what they would gain
For Jesus had called them by name and they answered

We will abandon it all for the sake of the call
No other reason at all but the sake of the call
Wholly devoted to live and to die
For the sake of the call

Drawn like the rivers are drawn to the sea
No turning back for the water cannot help but flow
Once we hear the Savior's call we'll follow wherever he leads
Because of the love He has shown
And because he has called us to go we will answer

We will abandon it all for the sake of the call
No other reason at all but the sake of the call
Wholly devoted to live and to die

Not for the sake of a creed or a cause
Not for a dream or a promise
Simply because it is Jesus who calls
And if we believe we'll obey..." - Steven Curtis Chapman

Abandoning It All,

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Metro Stations, Draculas, Gay Village & Changed Lives

Yesterday, a group from CrossWorld Missions were here to work with Tony. We went down to the Metro station to share Jesus because it was pouring rain outside. So, we went down in groups and I was with a girl named Yayra, from Ontario, but originally from Senegal, Africa. She has such a heart for evangelism. We shared with a few people and had some great conversations and God seemed to really be changing some hearts. We were walking and praying about who to approach next and we both without a doubt agreed on a lady that was just standing by a store.
So, as we approached, she was kind of suspicious as anyone would be if two people just approached you to talk about something. But as Yayra shared the gospel with this lady, she just opened up and broke down - and she accepted Jesus! After she prayed to accept Him into her life, she was so excited!!!! She was hugging us and thanking us and we got to go through the next steps that she should do as a Jesus-follower! She was so excited! Praise God that He changes hearts right in front of us!... I want to share part of my journal entry from this morning......
"People are so closed to the message of ANYTHING! People are very skeptical of anyone that is trying to interact with them. It's amazing the people God has you meet. In the Metro Station, in just under 2 hours, Yayra & I met an atheist, catholics, muslims, "christian buddhists", Christian praying for us because she saw us sharing the Bible with people, and a lady who gave her life to Christ!....
After when I returned home last night, I was reading from Acts. Acts 18 specifically encouraged me - because sometimes I feel like I am just giving a message that no one wants to hear. It talks about Paul preaching, teaching & doing everything he could to persuade the Jews at Corinth, but with no such luck as the Message Remix puts it. Sometimes this is how I feel - totally exasperated from arguing something that people don't want to hear. BUT - the chapte continues to say that great many Corinthians believed and were baptized - and the next part is what really encouraged me in what I'm doing here....
"One night the Master spoke to Paul in a dream: 'Keep it up, and don't let ANYONE intimidate or silence you. No matter what happens, I'm with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you. You have no idea how many people I have on my side in this city'. That was all he needed to stick it out. He stayed another year and a half, faithfully teaching the Word of God to the Corinthians." - Acts 18:8-11.""" - Entry from my journal...
So, yesterday was amazing. I went into the gay village and into the red light district with a group to help them see the "other side" of Montreal. I got to stop and talk to some gothic draculas for a minute and be around some more of my street friends. But it was good for the team to see that side of the city and the darkness that lures people into itself.
May we be lights and realize that the Master is on our side! He will keep us! One more Scripture to end.... Paul says this to the disciples and apostles that were trying to get him not to go back to Jerusalem because he would be imprisoned and die.... Here's what he says. May we all have this attitude and love for Christ!
Acts 21:12b-13 (MSG) - "Why all this hysteria? why do you insist on making a scene and making it even harder for me? You're looking at this backwards. The issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can't you see that?" - May we see this!

Jesus loves You!

Romans 8:1 & 1st John 2:25

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Soul for Christ...

Today there was a group from CrossWorld Missions working on the streets with Tony and myself. It was such a nice day outside, but long because I came right from french class. Anyways... it was a great time of conversations with people on the street and a day filled with long conversations to help people see God`s big story and His plan in everything. But a dude from Lebanon came to know Jesus as His Savior today on the streets!!! Praise be to God! I`m always amazed when God opens the eyes of someone`s heart and allows them to see Him for who He is and what Jesus has done for our sins! My new friend Jay, he has a rough history, but needs Jesus and he understands so much, but it`s hard to judge where he`s at, so I`ll let God work in his life.... we`ll see each other again, Lord willing... Well, that`s all really. I just wanted to share God`s increase for His Kingdom with you all and let you know that God loves saving people! Praise be to Him!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Q-tips & fries - what a ministry

Today, after class, I went to Saint Catherine Street to visit some of my new friends. I had q-tips with me, a present for one of my street friends, Damion. It`s amazing how excited people can get about something little when they don`t have much of anything. I had asked Damion recently what I could do for him, because I don`t give money often, and he asked for q-tips. Praise God when you get to clean your ears with q-tips in the morning. This has led me to worship God and thank Him for the things that I have neglected to be so thankful for... Anyways, that`s Damion... He professes to be a believer, but with most of his doings and sayings, it`s a debateable topic, but we keep loving on Damion.
So, after visiting Damion, I went to eat at La Belle Province, where they have greasy burgers (so good), and I met a dude named Chris. Now Chris is playing a guitar with only 3 strings and he`s playing it with a spoon - and he`s good! I was amazed at how good it sounded - and he really only had a spoon and three strings. So, I stopped to talk with him momentarily on my way to the restaurant, but got a good chunk of time with him when I came back (he actually asked if I`d watch his stuff for him while he went to the bathroom - what simple trust - to trust all your belongings to some stranger). Anyways, my friend and I brought him back the fries from lunch that we didn`t eat, and we started talking about his life and what is going on. He started telling me about his `past`lives and how he was going to live a bunch of different lives because of his `lifeline` on his hand... anyways, I listened and asked if he`d be around there often, and he said of course he would, so I get the opportunity of asking Chris some serious questions about this life and what we do with it - please pray for this opportunity as it might come tomorrow. Pray that I have the words and guidance to have this conversation with this guy and to ask the right questions that will probe his heart.
I think that I have the simplest ministry that there is... I talk to people about the One that I love most - Jesus, I give away simple things that people say they need like q-tips and razors, and I give food away that otherwise I would just have thrown out, and I love people because I love Jesus because Jesus first loved me - and Lord willing, I will get to see some of the fruit that the Lord will bring forth - but I love what I do! And I get to spend lots of time with people I enjoy talking to about everything, including Jesus!
I`m sure that people are praying for me lots, because I`m starting to grasp the french much better and I know that this would not be possible without the complete help of a God who speaks every language and every tongue - Sometimes the language is so discouraging to me, but I know that people trust that God can help me, so therefore it helps push me forward... Keep praying, because this is useless without Divine Intervention!
I read Judges 6-8 last night and I heard the message about Gideon yesterday in french in church.... God wins the battles for us! Read it for encouragement - and ask God to help you see what He wants for you.... Remember, Gideon was the youngest and from the least of Manasseh, but God chose Him...
Enabled Powerfully Because of Him.
Ezekiel 22:30

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Without Love.... it`s nothing

I listened to a sermon last night and finished it today while I was riding the Metro. It had to do with Jesus-followers loving each other and the world. So I thought, `Wouldn`t it be weird to not have any prisons or social service agencies or AIDS clinics or drug rehabs or homeless shelters`. Answer: Yes, it would be weird, but I also thought how amazing it would be if everyone loved Jesus and people didn`t break the law because they loved Jesus and people didn`t smoke crack so we didn`t need to go and take their kids because they love Jesus, and people didn`t have sex outside of marriage and they waited for the person that God has for them, and people loved Jesus so they let people that didn`t have a home, stay in their home. Wow! I`m sure that this isn`t as interesting to read as it is in my head, but wouldn`t that be Heaven... It will be Heaven, where no sin will have any affect at all on the new world and only those who loved Jesus will be there, and I want people to be there - so let`s go love on a world that doesn`t know what is happening to them. And let`s not just do good because we feel good or because we help the `circle of life`, but because we love Jesus! Jesus was obedient to do what God the Father wanted Him to do, and He went to the poor, the destitute, the prostitutes, the non-believers, the demon possessed, the tax collectors, the drunks - and He just loved on them like no one had ever loved before. Be a radical with me... Love Jesus more than anything else, trust in Him more than you trust in your own breathing, and love on the world with the power of Jesus - a world full of people that the rest of the world shuns away... and we love them! Don`t be a noisy gong, but let`s love; don`t be really smart, but let`s love, because Jesus says that it all boils down to love... `Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul & strength... and love your neighbor as yourself`...
Pray for me as I love people here in Montréal. I have been called to love the down & out, the rich, the educated, the poor, the prostitutes, the fancy, the people that God loves - and so have you... so let`s do it.... Faith, hope & love, but the greatest of all of these is love... ENabLED. Dwight I Corinthians 13... be blameless and scandalously love people for no reason except that Jesus wants us to

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So, it's been a while....

So much has happened here. It's been over a week since I've been here, and this is my first chance to use high-speed internet - for free even! So, it's a good deal, and a rainy day. I want to expound on a few things that I've done thus far, but I want to make a general entry as to what's been going on.... So here are the dates of my life in Montreal thus far....
Thursday 4/27 - Arrived in Montreal. Met Alain, my roommate - what a good Scottish guy.
Friday 4/28 - Played in city and taught Kid's Club for a club that was completely black children, and how wonderful it was to watch God calm their wonderfully crazy personalities to listen to a boring white guy talk about Jesus (the boring white guy being me)
Saturday 4/29 - Went to play in the city again and saw where my classes would be, then went and talked with some homeless guys in "Vieux Montreal". Met Bob and all we could talk about with each other was that Jesus was all about love... How true it is - that it's all about love; if we could only embrace that deeply... what would the world look like?
Sunday 4/30 - Went to a Chinese Presbyterian Church (where Tony preached) and got to encourage the believers there to reach out to their city and love on people, because as Bob put it - it's all about love. I went to watch a hockey game tonight as well - the Canadiens - it's a huge deal in Montreal, but I got to meet a group of people that really love Jesus and are involved in ministry here in Montreal. Pray for them as they minister in a city that is so closed to hearing the message that Jesus has called us all to bring to the nations... also got to talk with some orthodox Jews today... interesting. Please pray for the Jewish people as I got to listen to what they think will happen about Messiah (and He's already been here - Jesus), and there are so many here in MOntreal.
Monday 5/1 - Started french class! I was so humbled by how much I don't know and how hard it is for me, where so many things in life have been relatively easy for me. But I met Adriana from Mexico and we hung out that day after class, just walking around the city and talking about the differences in our cultures and beliefs and what we are doing here....
Tuesday 5/2 - French classes again and still have a low comprehension rate of what's going on, but I feel that God is really helping me rely on Him like every minute to help me understand. It seems like I'm constantly switching from listening intently to praying earnestly for help understanding. It's like a never-ending process, but remembering the fact that I couldn't really communicate with Bob made me desire to understand so much more and gave me a desire to learn a language that is really difficult for me. Hung out with Adriana after class again. She seems like so many people I've met before all mixed in one. We have different beliefs, but she is a great friend already to just see the city with and share about what we believe and don't believe.
Wednesday 5/3 - Despising french class... okay, not really despising, but not enjoying; but understanding more and more. I think that this was the day that I went to old Montreal with Adriana and we met Guy. Guy is a homeless dude from North Bay, Ontario, and the day that I met him, he was all strung out on heroin I believe and he had been hit with something, as he had a huge gash in his head and blood all over himself. But the first thing that Guy said to me was "I'm sorry for what I've done, and I've made so many mistakes, so I'm sorry about that"... It was so crazy to hear some dude I've never met before apologizing for what he's done to me, why would he apologize to me. There's more to come about Guy and my thoughts about what he feels and thinks...
Thursday 5/4 - To the streets with my friends from NBBI. Jay, James, Greg, Tyler, Micah, Annie, Abbie & Mr. Burns were all here to work with Tony and myself. It was a great day for many reasons. I got to have a great lunch with my little friend from Mexico and then hang out with my friends from Nbbi and go tell people on the streets about Jesus... Many seeds planted, and I had an amazing conversation with a dude named Charles. He'd never heard the message of Jesus the way that God allowed me to explain it to him. Hopefully he'll be in touch with me with questions. I got to talk with my homeless friend Damion & I met this dude named Shane. We got to talk a lot about how hard it is on the street, how I don't want to give money for him to buy weed, but we got to share Jesus as well. I got to talk about how Jesus loves him and how my life was changed by Jesus. I hope to see Damion & Shane much more this summer.
Friday 5/5 - Long day!!!! French was hard today, but good. I'm understanding more and more and I'm learning how to put together my thoughts a little better. I went and took the Nbbi team around old Montreal again, and Adriana and I got to talk with these two homeless girls, Sarah & Julie from western Massachusetts. We are supposed to go eat with them Saturday night, but it is supposed to rain, so we'll see. But it was an amazing time all together. The Angelos team did a presentation tonight as well. It touched my heart so much and helped me remember how simple the gospel is, but what a high cost it was for Christ to purchase us for His glory. I loved getting to be with my friends and having them meet my friend Adriana. It was nice to be in the presence of those who are out doing the work that God calls us to do..... Then I went and listened to a band play some music at a cafe and then turned in for the night after a long week of trying to develop french and a better understanding for a culture that is so different from what I'm used to.
Saturday 5/6 (ToDaY) - hanging out at Java U with my roommate, Alain & Adriana, we are all doing work and trying not to do too much serious stuff, because it was such a long week. I want to write more about a few things, which I will....
But I miss so many people, but realize that God is working amazingly here in Montreal and I'm sure back home, because God is everywhere, which continues to amaze me. I will write detail more often now that I'm caught up.... Jesus loves you, whoever you are, and remember that He died for you and your sins, and all we have to do is trust that He did this, and surrender our lives to Him.... He loves you!
